Tuesday, 1 April 2014


As most of the group communication had been completed via internet based sources over the Easter period we decided to arrange a group meeting to which all members would attend to start defining some of the specifics of the company. 

Currently, although we had been collecting elements of research and had started to think of company names we had yet to make any concrete decisions. The session was useful as it presented us with the opportunity to define some company specifics and start diving the workload appropriately to help us progress with the project. 

Prior to the session I went through my past PPP notes taken during the seminars with John where he talked about the different aspects of setting up a business. From the notes taken during John sessions I was able to form a list of business specifics that we should cover and define as part of our presentation. 

The list also helped us to create a list of areas we needed to research which was later used to formulate an action plan. 

Additionally, during our meeting Leo took not of the specific points we defined regarding our business.

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