Monday, 10 November 2014


As part of last years PPP module I created a complete brand identity for myself so that I could professionally represent myself as I start engaging with industry professionals and clients. During the physical production of the business cards I encountered many problems ranging from the print quality of the small type to a disaster during the edge painting process which left the majority of the cards unusable. 

As a result of the various problems encountered while producing the cards I was left with only a selection which have all now been distributed. Recently, while attending an event at the Manchester Print Fair I was reminded of this problem when I didn't have a card to give to people that I had conversations with. Therefore, before progressing any further through the year I decided to create a fresh new batch of business cards that can be distributed to potential clients and industry contacts.

The cards design had already been created as part of my personal branding during second year therefore, to create the new batch I just simply needed to physically produce them. 

Learning from the mistakes made last time I decided to use a smaller A3 screen so that more pressure can be applied when printing to ensure that the small 6 point type is clearly legible. Another problem I encountered when producing the last batch was when edge painting the cards. The painting process was completed outside on a relatively windy night, to reach the cards the can had to be held close which resulted in the spray paint being applied too thickly, this in turn resulted in paint bleeding onto the surface of the card. To avoid the same mistake paint will be applied lightly to small piles of cards and in an indoor environment. 


Cleaning the screen. 

Mixing paint and gel medium.

Applying paint mix to screen.

Printed cards on recycled grey board.

Business cards post 4 hour cutting session. 

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