Monday, 2 March 2015


The individual slides from the final presentation are displayed below. Annotated slides references the aspects of the presentation I talked through.


Sean's introductory 'Capital North' video.
Briefly introduce individual group members so you know who we are. 

Brand attributes - influenced campaigns direction - 3 attributes visually represented - informed aesthetic decisions. 

Audience was segmented to help us focus our campaign.

Audience was segmented into three groups. 
Primary campaign focus was on industry professionals.
Secondary focuses lie with tourists...
And residents. 

Visual elements used across identity to form a cohesive visual theme - elements derived from logo. 

Next we are going to discuss the various elemental applications we developed as part of the campaign. 
Digital advertisement placed at bus stops and train stations - would be seen by all segments of the target audience - references brand attributes of growth & connectivity.

Thank you for listening, any questions? 


Presenting went really well, all of the relevant information was covered, everybody spoke cohesively and no mistakes were made. The only aspect of the presentation that did let us down was my gif. as it unfortunately did not play when its slide was opened.

After presenting to the members of the DBA board we received feedback on our response to the brief. 


The image below documents the comments we received after finishing our presentation;

  • Overall campaign was strong & well produced.
  • Newspaper was not aesthetically coherent with the rest of the campaign
    • this can be a challenge when working in a group.
  • Floor mural and sculpture were really effective ideas.
  • Brand has the potential to become visually repetitive.
    • How could the brand have expanded? 


To help me learn from the experience, subsequently improve my practice and my ability to work in a group I analysed the comments given by the DBA board and formulated a list of progression points. 

When engaging in future projects I will refer to this list of points to ensure that I build upon the experiences gained from completing the brief.

  • To help avoid problems with visual inconsistency I plan to;
    • Increase group communication - towards the end of the brief members worked more individually.
    • Create rough brand guidelines to help ensure a cohesive visual theme is achieved.
  • To avoid future campaigns becoming too repetitive I plan to; 
    • Spend more time on the development stages of the project, specifically on the design variations.
    • Consider in more detail how campaign could expand and grow from its basic elements while retaining a cohesive visual theme. 

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